VIOS Health Check Flow
This document explains the flow of the main function in the (ansible-power-aix) plugins/modules/
The flow starts by building a list of targets from the module parameters. If the list is empty, a warning is logged. Next, the health status of each target is checked and logged. If UUIDs for the targets are not available, they are collected. Finally, a health check is performed to determine if the targets can support a rolling update, and the results are logged.
Flow drill down
Building the Target List
First, we retrieve the list of targets from the module parameters and build the target list. If the target list is empty, a warning is logged, and the process continues. This step ensures that we have a valid list of targets to perform the health check on.
targets = module.params['targets']
OUTPUT.append(f'VIOS Health Check operation for {targets}')
target_list = []
targets_health_status = {}
# Build nim node info
ret = check_vios_targets(module, targets)
if (ret is None) or (not ret):
OUTPUT.append(' Warning: Empty target list')
module.log(f'[WARNING] Empty target list: "{targets}"')
target_list = ret
OUTPUT.append(f' Targets list: {target_list}')
module.debug(f'Targets list: {target_list}')
Checking the Health Status of VIOS Targets
Next, we call the health_check
targets_health_status = health_check(module, target_list)
OUTPUT.append('VIOS Health Check status:')
module.log('VIOS Health Check status:')
for vios_key, vios_health_status in targets_health_status.items():
OUTPUT.append(f" {vios_key} : {vios_health_status}")
module.log(f' {vios_key} : {vios_health_status}')
Collecting VIOS UUIDs
Diving into the health_check
# if needed call vios_health_init to get the UUIDs value
if 'vios_uuid' not in NIM_NODE['nim_vios'][vios1] \
or tup_len == 2 and 'vios_uuid' not in NIM_NODE['nim_vios'][vios2]:
OUTPUT.append(' Getting VIOS UUID')
ret = vios_health_init(module, hmc_id, hmc_ip)
if ret != 0:
OUTPUT.append(f' Unable to get UUIDs of {vios1} and {vios2}, ret: {ret}')
module.log(f"[WARNING] Unable to get UUIDs of {vios1} and {vios2}, ret: {ret}")
health_tab[vios_key] = 'FAILURE-HC'
Running the Health Check
Then, we run the vios_health
# run the vios_health check for the vios tuple
if tup_len == 2:
mgmt_uuid = NIM_NODE['nim_vios'][vios1]['cec_uuid']
OUTPUT.append(' Checking if we can update the VIOS')
ret = vios_health(module, mgmt_uuid, hmc_ip, vios_uuid)
if ret == 0:
OUTPUT.append(' Health check succeeded')
module.log(f"Health check succeeded for {vios_key}")
health_tab[vios_key] = 'SUCCESS-HC'
OUTPUT.append(' Health check failed')
module.log(f"Health check failed for {vios_key}")
health_tab[vios_key] = 'FAILURE-HC'
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