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NIM Resource Overview

NIM Resource Overview

NIM Resource refers to various types of resources managed by the Network Installation Manager (NIM) on AIX systems. These resources include 'spot', lpp_source, 'script', bosinst_data, image_data, installp_bundle, fix_bundle, resolv_conf, exclude_files, and adapter_def. The module facilitates the display, creation, and deletion of these NIM resource objects.

Displaying NIM Resources

The res_show function is used to display NIM resources, fetching general information about the resource object class.

The res_show function displays NIM resources by fetching general information about the resource object class. It constructs a command to list NIM resources and executes it.

def res_show(module):
Show nim resources.

module (dict): The Ansible module
Exits with fail_json in case of error
updated results dictionary.

cmd = '/usr/sbin/lsnim -l'
name = module.params['name']
object_type = module.params['object_type']

# This module will only show general information about the resource
# object class.
if not object_type and not name:
cmd += ' -c resources'

Creating NIM Resources

The res_create function defines a new NIM resource object, requiring parameters such as name, object type, and attributes.

The res_create function defines a new NIM resource object. It constructs a command to create the resource based on the provided parameters and executes it.

def res_create(nim_cmd, module):
Define a NIM resource object.

module (dict): The Ansible module
Exits with fail_json in case of error
updated results dictionary.

opts = ""
name = module.params['name']
object_type = module.params['object_type']
attributes = module.params['attributes']

if object_type:
if object_type == "res_group":
cmd = nim_cmd + ' -o define '

Deleting NIM Resources

The res_delete function removes a specified NIM resource object.

The res_delete function removes a specified NIM resource object. It constructs a command to delete the resource and executes it.

def res_delete(nim_cmd, module):
Remove a NIM resource object.

module (dict): The Ansible module
Exits with fail_json in case of error
updated results dictionary.

name = module.params['name']
cmd = nim_cmd + f' -o remove {name}'

if module.check_mode:
results['msg'] = f'Command \'{cmd}\' in preview mode, execution skipped.'

return_code, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmd)

Fetching NIM Resource Contents

The res_showres function fetches the contents of valid NIM object resources, specifically for 'spot' and lpp_source types.

The res_showres function fetches the contents of valid NIM object resources. It constructs a command to retrieve the resource contents and executes it.

def res_showres(module, resource, info):
Fetch contents of valid NIM object resource

module (dict): The Ansible module
resource (str): NIM resource name
info (info): NIM resource attributes information
contents: (dict): NIM resource contents
fail_msg = f'Unable to fetch contents of {resource}.'
max_retries = module.params['showres']['max_retries']
retry_wait_time = module.params['showres']['max_retries']
contents = {}
results['testing'] = ""
# 0042-001 nim: processing error encountered on "master":,
# 0042-207 m_showres: Unable to allocate the spot_72V_2114 resource to master.
pattern = r"0042-207"

if info['type'] in NIM_SHOWRES:


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