Handling Backup Actions Flow
This document explains the flow of handling different actions such as listing, viewing, creating, and restoring backups in the nim_backup module. It covers the steps involved in each action, including the creation of SPOT resources, performing restore operations, and removing NIM resources.
The flow starts by determining the action to be performed, such as listing or restoring backups. For listing, it simply calls a function to list available backups. For restoring, it checks the type of target and object, sets necessary parameters, and calls a function to perform the restore operation. This involves creating SPOT resources if they don't exist, executing the restore command, and optionally removing the resources after the operation.
Flow drill down
Handling Different Actions
First, the code handles different actions such as listing, viewing, creating, and restoring backups. For example, if the action is 'list', it calls the nim_list_backup
function to list available backups.
# perform the operation
if action == 'list':
params['oslevel'] = module.params['oslevel']
nim_list_backup(module, targets, objtype, params)
elif action == 'view':
nim_view_backup(module, params)
Restoring mksysb Backups
Next, when the action is 'restore', the code checks if the target is a standalone machine or a VIOS and whether the object type is supported. If the object type is 'mksysb', it sets various parameters and calls the nim_mksysb_restore
function to perform the restore operation.
elif action == 'restore':
for target in targets:
if target in results['nim_node']['standalone'] and objtype != 'mksysb' and objtype != 'savevg':
meta_msg2 = f'Operation {action} {objtype} not supported on a standalone machine. You may want to select mksysb.'
results['meta'][target]['messages'] = meta_msg2
results['status'][target] = 'FAILURE'
if target in results['nim_node']['vios'] and (objtype == 'mksysb' or objtype == 'savevg'):
results['meta'][target]['messages'].append(f'Operation {action} {objtype} not supported on a VIOS. You may want to select ios_mksysb.')
results['status'][target] = 'FAILURE'
if 'mksysb' in objtype:
params['group'] = module.params['group']
params['bosinst_data'] = module.params['bosinst_data']
params['spot_name'] = module.params['spot_name']
if not params['spot_name']:
params['spot_prefix'] = module.params['spot_prefix']
params['spot_postfix'] = module.params['spot_postfix']
Creating SPOT Resource
Diving into the nim_mksysb_restore
function, it first checks if the SPOT resource exists. If not, it creates the SPOT resource from the mksysb backup for the restore operation.
# build sysb and spot resource names
name = build_name(target, params['name'], params['name_prefix'], params['name_postfix'])
spot_name = build_name(target, params['spot_name'], params['spot_prefix'], params['spot_postfix'])
cmd = ['lsnim', spot_name]
rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmd)
if rc == 0:
msg = f'SPOT {spot_name} exists, using it to restore {name}'
# Create the SPOT from the mksysb for restore operation
# nim -o define -t spot -a server=master -a source=mksysb_name -a location=/export/spot spot1
spot_loc = params['spot_location']
cmd = ['nim', '-Fo', 'define', '-t', 'spot', '-a', 'server=master']
cmd += ['-a', f'source={name}']
cmd += ['-a', f'location={spot_loc}', spot_name]
cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
if not module.check_mode:
rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmd)
Performing Restore Operation
Then, the function constructs the NIM command to perform the restore operation, including setting parameters like bosinst_data
and boot_client
. It executes the command and updates the results based on the command's success or failure.
cmd = ['nim', '-o', 'bos_inst', '-a', 'source=mksysb']
param_group = params['group']
bosinst_data = params['bosinst_data']
if param_group:
cmd += ['-a', f'group={param_group}']
cmd += ['-a', f'mksysb={name}']
cmd += ['-a', f'spot={spot_name}']
if bosinst_data:
cmd += ['-a', f'bosinst_data={bosinst_data}']
results['meta'][target]['messages'].append('Warning: No bosinst_data specified, you will be prompted for additional settings on the console.')
cmd += ['-a', 'accept_licenses=yes' if module.params['accept_licenses'] else 'accept_licenses=no']
cmd += ['-a', 'boot_client=yes' if module.params['boot_target'] else 'boot_client=no']
if params['other_attributes']:
cmd += params['other_attributes'].split(' ')
cmd += [target]
cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
Removing NIM Resources
Finally, the function checks if the SPOT and backup resources should be removed after the restore operation. If so, it constructs and executes the commands to remove these resources, updating the results accordingly.
if params['remove_spot']:
cmd = ['nim', '-o', 'remove', spot_name]
cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
if not module.check_mode:
rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmd)
if rc != 0:
results['meta'][target]['stdout'] = stdout
results['meta'][target]['stderr'] = stderr
results['meta'][target]['messages'].append(f'Command \'{cmd}\' failed with return code {rc}.')
results['status'][target] = 'FAILURE'
return False
results['meta'][target]['messages'].append(f'SPOT resource {spot_name} has been removed.')
results['meta'][target]['messages'].append(f'Command \'{cmd}\' has no preview mode, execution skipped.')
if params['remove_backup']:
cmd = ['nim', '-o', 'remove', name]
cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
if not module.check_mode:
rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmd)
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