Encrypting Logical Volumes Flow
This document explains the process of encrypting logical volumes in an AIX system using Ansible modules. The process involves initializing the Ansible module, setting up parameters, processing logical volumes and volume groups, and calling appropriate functions to handle encryption.
The flow starts with initializing the Ansible module and setting up the necessary parameters for the action (encrypt or decrypt) and the devices (logical volumes, volume groups, and physical volumes). It then processes the logical volumes and volume groups, ensuring they exist and are not in the exception list. Based on the action parameter, it calls the appropriate function to either encrypt or decrypt the logical volumes. The encryption process involves checking if the volume group has encryption enabled and, if not, enabling it before proceeding with the encryption of the logical volume.
Flow drill down
Main Function
First, the main
def main():
global result
device_spec = dict(
lv=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
vg=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
pv=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
except_lv=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
module = AnsibleModule(
action=dict(type='str', choices=['encrypt', 'decrypt'], required=True),
device=dict(type='dict', required=True, options=device_spec),
password=dict(type='str', required=True, no_log=True),
result = dict(
Encrypt Logical Volume
Next, the encrypt_lv
def encrypt_lv(module, name):
Encrypts the Logical Volume it is passed
module: Ansible module argument spec.
name: Name of the logical volume to encrypt
If the volume group that the logical volume belongs to is not encryption enabled, it is first encryption enabled.
password = module.params['password']
vg_name = get_vg_name(module, name)
# Enable Encryption if not already enabled on the VG
vg_encrypt_enabled(module, vg_name)
if crypto_status == "uninitialized":
if not check_password_strength(password):
cmd = expectPrompts['authinit_weak_pwd'] % (name, password, password)
Enable Volume Group Encryption
Then, the vg_encrypt_enabled
def vg_encrypt_enabled(module, name):
Checks if encryption is enabled on a Volume Group, and enables it if it is not
module: Ansible module argument spec.
name: Name of the volume group to enable encryption on
vg_props = get_vg_props(module, name)
pattern = r"^ENCRYPTION:\s+(\w+)"
encrypt_status = re.search(pattern, vg_props, re.MULTILINE).group(1)
if encrypt_status == 'no':
# enable encryption on that vg
cmd = f"/usr/sbin/chvg -k y {name}"
fail_msg = f"Failed to enable encryption on the volume group {name}. \
Command '{cmd}' failed."
rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmd)
result['cmd'] = cmd
result['rc'] = rc
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