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Overview of LVM Demos in Playbooks

Overview of LVM Demos in Playbooks

LVM Demos in Playbooks showcase various tasks related to Logical Volume Management (LVM) on AIX systems. These tasks include creating, extending, and removing volume groups and logical volumes.

Usage in Playbooks

The playbooks/demo_lvg.yml playbook demonstrates how to create scalable volume groups with mirror pools, add multiple physical volumes to a volume group, extend a volume group, and varyon/varyoff volume groups. The playbooks/demo_lvm_facts.yml playbook focuses on gathering LVM-related information, such as volume group (VG), logical volume (LV), and physical volume (PV) facts, and updating existing LVM facts. The playbooks/demo_lvol.yml playbook illustrates the creation of logical volumes with various configurations, including specifying size, placement policies, and mirror pools. It also covers extending, renaming, and removing logical volumes.


The playbooks/demo_lvm_facts.yml playbook focuses on gathering LVM-related information, such as volume group (VG), logical volume (LV), and physical volume (PV) facts, and updating existing LVM facts.

The playbooks/demo_lvm_facts.yml playbook focuses on gathering LVM-related information, such as volume group (VG), logical volume (LV), and physical volume (PV) facts, and updating existing LVM facts.

- name: Print the LVM related information
hosts: "{{ hosts_val }}"
gather_facts: true
hosts_val: all
log_file: /tmp/ansible_lvmfacts_debug.log

- name: Gather all lvm facts
- name: Gather VG facts
name: all
component: vg
- name: Gather LV facts
name: all
component: lv
- name: Update PV facts to existing LVM facts


The playbooks/demo_lvol.yml playbook illustrates the creation of logical volumes with various configurations, including specifying size, placement policies, and mirror pools. It also covers extending, renaming, and removing logical volumes. Tasks include creating a logical volume of a specified size, creating a logical volume with multiple disks, creating a logical volume with a minimum placement policy, creating a logical volume with extra options like mirror pools, extending a logical volume, renaming a logical volume, and removing a logical volume.

The playbooks/demo_lvol.yml playbook illustrates the creation of logical volumes with various configurations, including specifying size, placement policies, and mirror pools. It also covers extending, renaming, and removing logical volumes.

- name: LVOL on AIX
hosts: "{{ host_name }}"
gather_facts: false
host_name: all
vg_name: rootvg
lv_name: testlv
size_val: 64M
- name: Create a logical volume of 64M
state: present
vg: "{{ vg_name }}"
lv: testrootlv
size: "{{ size_val }}"
- name: Create a logical volume of 10 logical partitions with disks hdisk0 and hdisk1
state: present
vg: "{{ vg_name }}"


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