Main Function Flow
This document explains the flow of the main function in the (ansible-power-aix) plugins/modules/
The flow starts with initializing the module with the required parameters and setting up the results dictionary. Next, it validates the targets to ensure they are valid NIM clients. Then, it decides whether to query the status or perform the upgrade based on the action parameter. Finally, it manages the results of the upgrade operation by logging the status and updating the results dictionary with success or failure messages.
Flow drill down
Initializing the Module
First, the main
def main():
global module
global results
module = AnsibleModule(
action=dict(type='str', required=True,
choices=['altdisk', 'bosinst', 'get_status']),
targets=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
# viosupgrade_params={
# all: { ios_mksysb: 'vios3-1-1-0_mksysb', preview: false, resources: 'my_resolv_conf:my_fb_script'}
# vios1: { rootvg_clone_disk: 'hdisk1', 'backup_file_resource': 'vios1_fb'}
# vios2: { rootvg_clone_disk: 'hdisk2:hdisk3', 'backup_file_resource': 'vios2_filebackup'}
mutually_exclusive=[['targets', 'target_file']],
Validating Targets
Next, the function validates the targets by checking if they are valid NIM clients. If the target list is empty, it logs a warning and exits. This step ensures that only valid and reachable targets are processed for the upgrade.
param_one_of(module.params, ['targets', 'target_file'])
if not module.params['viosupgrade_params']:
module.params['viosupgrade_params'] = {}
if not module.params['target_file']:
if 'all' not in module.params['viosupgrade_params']:
module.params['viosupgrade_params']['all'] = {}
# build NIM node info (if needed)
refresh_nim_node(module, 'vios')
# get targests and check they are valid NIM clients
targets = []
if module.params['target_file']:
with open(module.params['target_file'], mode='r', encoding="utf-8") as myfile:
csvreader = csv.reader(myfile, delimiter=':')
for line in csvreader:
except IOError as e:
file_name = e.filename
Performing the Upgrade
Then, the function decides whether to query the status or perform the upgrade based on the action parameter. If the action is get_status
if 'get_status' in module.params['action']:
viosupgrade_query(module, params_flags)
viosupgrade(module, params_flags)
Managing the Upgrade Results
Finally, the function manages the results of the upgrade operation. It logs the status and updates the results dictionary with success or failure messages. This step ensures that the outcome of the upgrade is clearly communicated and logged for further analysis.
# set status and exit
if not results['status']:
module.log(f'NIM upgradeios {action} operation: status table is empty')
results['meta']['messages'].append('Warning: status table is empty, returning initial vios_status.')
results['status'] = module.params['vios_status']
results['msg'] = f'NIM updateios {action} operation completed. See meta data for details.'
target_errored = [key for key, val in results['status'].items() if 'FAILURE' in val]
if len(target_errored):
results['msg'] = f'NIM upgradeios {action} operation failed for {target_errored}. See status and meta for details.'
results['msg'] = f'NIM upgradeios {action} operation completed. See status and meta for details.'
Constructing the Upgrade Command
Moving to the viosupgrade
cmd = ['/usr/sbin/viosupgrade']
cmd += ['-t', module.params['action']]
# viosupgrade -t {bosinst | altdisk} -f filename [-v]
if module.params['target_file']:
# check parameters
for key in module.params['viosupgrade_params']['all'].keys():
flag_file = params_flags['file']
if key not in params_flags['file']:
msg = f'key \'{key}\' is not valid, supported keys for viosupgrade_params are: {flag_file}'
ret += 1
if ret != 0:
results['status']['all'] = 'FAILURE'
return ret
cmd += ['-f', module.params['target_file']]
for key, flag in params_flags['file'].items():
if key in module.params['viosupgrade_params']['all']:
Executing the Upgrade Command
Then, the function executes the upgrade command and logs the output. It updates the results dictionary with the command's stdout and stderr, and sets the status to success or failure based on the return code. This step ensures that the upgrade operation is executed and the results are captured for each target.
rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmd)
results['meta'][vios]['cmd'] = ' '.join(cmd)
results['meta'][vios]['stdout'] = stdout
results['meta'][vios]['stderr'] = stderr
module.log(f'stdout: {stdout}')
module.log(f'stderr: {stderr}')
if rc == 0:
if vios in module.params['viosupgrade_params'] and 'preview' in module.params['viosupgrade_params'][vios] and \
not module.params['viosupgrade_params'][vios]['preview'] or 'preview' in module.params['viosupgrade_params']['all'] and \
not module.params['viosupgrade_params']['all']['preview']:
results['changed'] = True
msg = 'viosupgrade command successful.'
results['status'][vios] = 'SUCCESS'
msg = f'Command failed with rc: {rc}'
results['status'][vios] = 'FAILURE'
ret += 1
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