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HDCrypt PKS Module Overview


HDCrypt PKS refers to the Platform Key Store (PKS) management functionality provided by the hdcryptmgr command. This module allows for the addition of PKS as an authentication method to a device and manages the PKS keys.

Supported Actions

The module supports several actions:

  • Adding PKS authentication (addpks)
  • Displaying PKS keys and their status (show)
  • Exporting PKS keys to a file (export)
  • Importing PKS keys from a file (import)
  • Cleaning invalid PKS keys (clean)

Module Functionality

The hdcrypt_pks module is a wrapper around the hdcryptmgr command, which is used to manage PKS keys on AIX systems. It ensures that the PKS is enabled on the system before performing any actions.

Usage Examples

The EXAMPLES constant in the plugins/modules/ file provides usage examples for adding PKS to a filesystem, displaying PKS keys status, exporting PKS keys to a file, importing PKS keys from a file, and cleaning invalid PKS keys.

The EXAMPLES constant in the plugins/modules/ file provides usage examples for adding PKS to a filesystem, displaying PKS keys status, exporting PKS keys to a file, importing PKS keys from a file, and cleaning invalid PKS keys.


- name: Add PKS to filesystem
action: addpks
device: testlv1
method_name: initpks

- name: Display PKS keys status
action: show

- name: Export PKS key to a file
action: export
device: testlv1
location: /tmp/file123
passphrase: abc1234
no_log: True

The addpks action is used in the playbooks/demo_hdcrypt_pks.yml playbook to add PKS authentication to a device.

action: addpks
device: "{{ lv_val }}"


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