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Building SEA Configuration Flow

In this document, we will explain the process of building the SEA configuration. The process involves initializing the SEA configuration, retrieving the SEA state, executing the necessary command, and finally removing any temporary files created during the process.

The flow starts with initializing the SEA configuration by extracting network details from an XML file. Next, the state of the SEA device is retrieved to understand its current status. Then, a command is executed to get the SEA state, and any errors are logged. Finally, temporary files created during the process are removed to ensure no unnecessary files are left on the system.

Flow drill down

Building SEA Configuration

First, the build_sea_config function initializes the SEA configuration dictionary for a given VIOS. It retrieves the network configuration from an XML file and parses it to extract relevant details such as Backing Device Name, SEA Device Name, and High Availability Mode. This step is crucial for setting up the initial configuration needed for further operations.

def build_sea_config(vios_name, vios_uuid, sea_config):
Build sea_config dictionnary
from an XML file: <vios_name>_network.xml

sea_config[vios_name] = {}
[vios_name][VLAN_IDs] = {}
[vios_name][VLAN_IDs]["BackingDeviceName"] = "entx"
[vios_name][VLAN_IDs]["BackingDeviceState"] = "Inactive/Disconnected/...."
[vios_name][VLAN_IDs]["SEADeviceName"] = "entx"
[vios_name][VLAN_IDs]["SEADeviceState"] = ""
[vios_name][VLAN_IDs]["HighAvailabilityMode"] = "auto/sharing"
[vios_name][VLAN_IDs]["Priority"] = priority

Input: (str) vios name
Input: (str) vios UUID
Input: (dict) SEA config to fill
Output: none

write("\nRecovering SEA configuration for {0}:".format(vios_name), 2)

Retrieving SEA State

Next, the get_vios_sea_state function is called to retrieve the state of the SEA device. This function executes a command on the VIOS to get the SEA adapter's state and parses the output to determine if the adapter is in a PRIMARY, BACKUP, or STANDBY state. This information is essential for understanding the current status of the SEA configuration.

def get_vios_sea_state(vios_name, sea_device):
Parse an XML file to get the SEA device state

Input:(dict) LPAR info to fill
Input: (str) VIOS name
Input: (str) SEA device name
Output:(int) 0 if success
Output:(str) SEA device state,
prints error message and exits upon error

state = ""

# file to get all SEA info (debug)
filename = "{0}/{1}_{2}.txt".format(xml_dir, vios_name, sea_device)
f = open(filename, 'w+')
except IOError as e:
write("ERROR: Failed to create file {0}: {1}.".format(filename, e.strerror), lvl=0)
f = None

Executing Command

Then, the exec_cmd function is used to execute the command that retrieves the SEA state. It handles the execution of the command, captures the output, and checks for any errors. This step ensures that the command is executed correctly and any issues are logged for troubleshooting.

def exec_cmd(cmd):
Execute the given command

Input: (str) return code of command
Output:(int) stdout of the command
Output:(str) stderr of the command
rc = 0
output = ''
errout = ''
th_id = threading.current_thread().ident
stderr_file = os.path.join(log_dir, 'cmd_stderr_{0}'.format(th_id))
with open(stderr_file, 'w') as myfile:
output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=myfile)
output = output.decode('UTF-8')
s ='rc=([-\d]+)$', output)
if s:
rc = int(
output = re.sub(r'rc=[-\d]+\n$', '', output) # remove the rc of c_rsh with echo $?

Removing Temporary Files

Finally, the remove function is called to delete any temporary files created during the process. This cleanup step is important to ensure that no unnecessary files are left on the system, which could consume disk space and potentially cause conflicts in future operations.

def remove(path):
Remove file

Input: (str) file path
Output: none
if os.path.exists(path):
log('file {0} does not exists.\n'.format(path))
except OSError as e:
write('ERROR: Failed to remove file {0}: {1}.'.format(path, e.strerror), lvl=0)


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