Overview of Ansible Playbooks
Playbooks Overview
Playbooks are YAML files that define a series of tasks to be executed on specified hosts. They are used to automate the configuration and management of AIX systems. Each playbook contains one or more plays, and each play specifies the hosts to target and the tasks to be performed on those hosts. Tasks are executed in the order they are defined.
Variables in Playbooks
Playbooks can include variables, which allow for dynamic values to be used within tasks. These variables can be defined within the playbook itself or in separate variable files.
Sample Playbooks
The IBM Power Systems AIX collection includes sample playbooks that demonstrate how to use the collection's modules to perform various operations on AIX systems. These sample playbooks cover a wide range of scenarios, such as updating software, managing system configurations, and performing maintenance tasks.
Playbook Documentation
An Ansible playbook consists of organized instructions that define work for a managed node (host) to be managed with Ansible. A playbooks directory that contains a sample playbook is included in the IBM Power Systems AIX collection. The sample playbook can be run with the ansible-playbook
command with some modification to the inventory and group_vars.
Sample Playbook Example
This sample playbook demonstrates how to manage user accounts on AIX systems using the IBM Power Systems AIX collection. It includes tasks for creating, modifying, and deleting users both locally and in LDAP.
This sample playbook demonstrates how to manage user accounts on AIX systems using the IBM Power Systems AIX collection. It includes tasks for creating, modifying, and deleting users both locally and in LDAP.
- name: USER on AIX
hosts: "{{host_name}}"
gather_facts: false
host_name: all
user_name: aixguest
password_val: abc12345
attribute_home: /home/test/aixguest
- name: Create user in LDAP
state: present
name: "{{ user_name }}"
change_passwd_on_login: false
password: "{{ password_val }}"
load_module: LDAP
home: "{{ attribute_home }}"
data: 1272
Endpoints of Playbooks
Endpoints of Playbooks provide specific functionalities and operations that can be performed using playbooks. Below are some examples of endpoints and their purposes.
The Nim_alt_disk_migration demo
The Nim_alt_disk_migration demo
- name: "Nim_alt_disk_migration demo"
hosts: "{{ hosts_val }}"
gather_facts: false
remote_user: root
hosts_val: nimserver
nim_client_v: p9zpa-ansible-test2
target_disk_v: ""
target_disk_policy_v: minimize
lpp_source_v: lpp_72V_2114
spot_v: spot_72V_2114
force_target_disk: true
validate_nim_resources_v: true
perform_migration_v: true
# perform alt_disk_migration
- ansible.builtin.import_role:
name: nim_alt_disk_migration
AIX sync all ifixes on webserver
The AIX sync all ifixes on webserver
The AIX sync all ifixes on webserver
- name: "AIX sync all ifixes on webserver"
hosts: aap-server
gather_facts: false
ifix_path: "/var/lib/awx/ifix/"
ifix_url: "https://aix.software.ibm.com/aix/ifixes/security/"
apar_csv_url: "https://esupport.ibm.com/customercare/flrt/doc?page=aparCSV"
apar_csv_filename: "apar.csv"
flrtvc_url: "https://esupport.ibm.com/customercare/sas/f/flrt3/FLRTVC-latest.zip"
flrtvc_filename: "FLRTVC-latest.zip"
proxy: "http_proxy=YOURPROXYHERE:8080 https_proxy=$http_proxy"
debug: false
sync_ifix: true
sync_apar: true
sync_flrtvc: true
- name: "Create ifix_path /var/lib/awx/ifix/ if not exists"
path: "{{ ifix_path }}"
state: directory
mode: '0755'
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