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Logical Volume Group (LVG) Management Overview

LVG Overview

LVG refers to the Logical Volume Group management module in the ansible-power-aix repository. It is used to create, remove, modify attributes, resize, activate, and deactivate volume groups on AIX systems. The module supports various actions such as creating a volume group, extending it by adding physical volumes, and removing physical volumes from it. It also allows for setting specific attributes like the type of volume group, enabling enhanced concurrent capabilities, and specifying critical physical volumes.

Usage of LVG

The LVG module is used in various scenarios such as creating a scalable volume group with a mirror pool, creating a volume group with multiple physical volumes, extending a volume group, removing a volume group, and varying on or off a volume group. This section provides examples of how to use the LVG module for different operations like creating, extending, and removing volume groups.

Examples of using the LVG module to create, extend, and remove volume groups.

- name: Create a scalable volume group with a mirror pool
state: present
vg_name: datavg
pvs: hdisk1
vg_type: scalable
mirror_pool: mp1

- name: Create a volume group with multiple physical volumes
state: present
vg_name: datavg
pvs: hdisk1 hdisk2 hdisk3

- name: Extend a volume group
state: present
vg_name: datavg
pvs: hdisk1

- name: Remove a volume group

Main Functions

There are several main functions in this folder. Some of them are make_vg, extend_vg, change_vg, reduce_vg, and vary_vg. We will dive a little into make_vg and extend_vg.


The make_vg function is responsible for creating a volume group. It constructs the necessary command options and executes the command to create the volume group.

The make_vg function constructs the necessary command options and executes the command to create the volume group.

def make_vg(module, vg_name):
Creates volume group
module: Ansible module argument spec.
vg_name: Volume group name
Exits with fail_json in case of error

pvs = module.params['pvs']
opt = build_vg_opts(module)

vg_type_opt = {
"none": '',
"big": '-B ',
"scalable": '-S ',
vg_type = module.params["vg_type"]


The extend_vg function extends an existing volume group by adding physical volumes to it. It ensures the volume group is active before performing the extension.

The extend_vg function ensures the volume group is active before performing the extension.

def extend_vg(module, vg_name, vg_state, init_props):
Extends a varied on volume group
module: Ansible module argument spec.
vg_name: Volume group name
vg_state: Volume group state
init_props: Initial properties of the volume group
Exits with fail_json in case of error

# fail extendvg if vg is varied off
varied_on = vg_state
if not varied_on:
result['rc'] = 1
result['msg'] = f"Unable to extend volume group { vg_name } because it is not varied on."


The change_vg function modifies the attributes of an existing volume group. It builds the necessary command options and executes the command to change the volume group.


The reduce_vg function reduces a volume group by removing physical volumes from it. It checks the current state of the volume group and ensures it is active before performing the reduction.

The reduce_vg function checks the current state of the volume group and ensures it is active before performing the reduction.

def reduce_vg(module, vg_name, vg_state):
Reduce volume group
module: Ansible module argument spec.
vg_name: Volume group name
vg_state: Volume group state
Exits with fail_json in case of error

pvs = module.params['pvs']

if vg_state is False:
result['msg'] = f"Volume group {vg_name} is deactivated. Unable to reduce volume group."

elif vg_state is None:
result['msg'] = f"Volume group {vg_name} does not exist. Unable to reduce volume group."

The vary_vg function checks the current state of the volume group and executes the appropriate command to varyon or varyoff the volume group.

def vary_vg(module, state, vg_name, vg_state):
Varyon/off volume group
module: Ansible module argument spec.
state: requested action, can be varyon or varyoff
vg_name: Volume group name
vg_state: Volume group state
Exits with fail_json in case of error

if vg_state is None:
result['msg'] = f"Volume group {vg_name} does not exist."

if state == 'varyon':
if vg_state is True:
result['msg'] += f"Volume group {vg_name} is already active. "


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